Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Planning: story board

Storyboard of our opening film

Opening scene is the main character running late for school and ordering an Uber. 

She gets in and the man doesn't say anything to her and she thinks it's a bit weird but doesn't think much of it.

*finishes school day

She orders another Uber. 

She gets in and it's the same driver. And, she doesn't think much of it; just a strange coincidence. 

Once again she orders another Uber the next day to go to school and it's the same driver. Now she begins to get freaked and worried that he might be following/ stalking her. 

She tells her friend at school and she just tells her maybe its because she accidentally keeps requesting him to pick her up, so at the end of the day her friend orders her an Uber to make sure it wouldn't be the same driver. yet it was. 

She didn't realise it was the same one because each time she orders it he has different names. 

She gets in the car and tries to get out but he has locked. She starts to freak out. His eyes keep catching hers in the mirror. He then starts to stare at her while still driving. 


1: in school, friend and girl walk out of textiles room, the girl walks up to the carpark, she orders an Uber x3 times, separate locations. 

2:  she is scared and runs back home - she is scared and runs back home ... going to the corner shop and ask him to help. he says no .

she then runs out of there. he traps her by the river, her only option is to jump

PLANNING: Location

 Location 1: School

Location 2: Claremont drive

Location 3: Car

Location 4: Forest 



  1. Car
  2. phone
  3. School bag
  4. Keys
  5. Water bottle 
  6. clear plastic mask

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


I watched a short youtube video on Roland Barthes semiotic analysis to get a wider understanding of semiotics. 
Semiotic is the study of signs and the way we make sense of things around us. It's about understanding the different signs used, decoding and understanding what they mean and why the producer has used them. 

Signs are the things we can infer a meaning from a signifier, for example symbols, camera angles and colours. 
There are two types:

Denotation: the literal meaning of signs
Connotation: signified/ associated meaning of signs 

Signs are polysemic which means they have multiple meanings which leads to people reading signs in different ways. 

There are 4 categories of signs that we look for in film:

  1. Mise en Scene: set, costume, makeup etc
  2. Sound: music, sound effects, voice, tone, silence
  3. Camerawork: framing, composition, angles, movement
  4. Editing: use of sequencing, cutting, how one scene goes to the next

 Signs are selected by media producers to create specific meanings and construct representations. The choice of the sign can have a big influence on the audience. 

Roland Barthes' Theory argued that is a sign was used constantly, the sign can become a myth for example; bulldogs are an accepted sign that symbolise Winston Churchill and Britain.  

A Myth: the widely accepted meaning of a sign, accepted dominant connotation.
Naturalisation: the process of establishing myths - media shaping societies ideology through repeated use of signs.

Tales of Terror from Tokyo? 

In the clip an extract 'Tales of Terror from Tokyo' showed a girl in an apartment. When the girl walks slowly towards the door and by her facial expression you can tell that she is scared of what is behind the door; even though we can't understand what they are saying since it is in a different language, we can still understand what is going on through emotion, body language, non- diegetic sounds and camera angles. 

When it shows the door with loud constant knocking makes you wonder what's wrong, 'is someone in danger?' and the viewer wants to know who it is. When it suddenly does a close up of a woman's hand shaking and banging through the letter box it makes the audience jump especially as the music behind stopped just before the camera shows the loud sound of the hand. This makes the little girl fall on the floor in fear, the eerie music begins again. The woman starts talk through the letter box which makes it feel like the woman is watching her through it. The little girl seems to be telling the voice to stop as the shouting gets louder and perhaps saying the name of the girl. The mum comes to see what all the screaming and banging is and goes to open the door. Just as the woman unlocks the door the little girl is too scared to see what was behind the door and runs into the bathroom and locks herself in. She calls for her mum but there is no response. She curls up in corner terrified on what is happening. The music suddenly stops. The banging starts at the bathroom door now. 

The mise- en- scene, the angles, the editing and the background sounds (music) all creates the feeling of uncertainty and being on edge and understanding what is going on even with out understanding what they are saying. The hard cuts in the editing makes it feel more intense as you don't know what is about to happen, jump scares. 

Rhetoric of the image, Roland Barthes

Monday, March 8, 2021

distributing my own film (notes)

 1) Film Distribution 

When I searched up how Hollywood major distribute a movie I could see how I could replicate that with my budget, for example I could use digital posters on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc. Each of theses platforms reaches different target audiences. Film website, have film cards were it has the social media account, phone, contact number, details. 

2) Independent films distribution

Independent films like 'Bait' distribute their films by going to film festivals in London to try get a screening at the BFI. They also use Film post cards to make people more aware of it and become more familiar with it.

How can I distribute my film- Social media, posters, websites etc

Kezia Williams- is Entertainment One Films Uk head of theatrical marketing.

Mark Batey- is the CEO of Film Distribution Association (FDA)

When would be the best time to release a film- When there are not a lot of films coming out. More advertisement to lead up to the film for more recognition 


via GIPH Fia Brown Candidate number: 1804 Claremont Fan Court School: 64680 My production team:  Tallulah Duffy (1823) and Laura Souter (186...